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ADRIFT (2015-2020)


The refugee crisis in Europe is one of the greatest challenges facing us on the world stage right now. Millions of people have been displaced by war, conflict, drought and the rise of radical Islam in the Middle East and Africa.

There are many videographers and photographers who have been documenting the unfolding events. It’s the story that, for now, seems to have no end. The endless sightings of unseaworthy dinghies setting sail to sea, the floating life jackets, the capsized boats, the arrests, the deportations, and the movement of desperate people longing for, and in search of a new life, fill our screens and  confront us on a daily basis.

ADRIFT is a project supported by Counterpoints Arts in response to the crisis . These images were made on the island of Lesvos in Greece, and in the refugee camp known as The Jungle, in Calais in 2015  and 2016.  Work made on the islands of Lampedusa and Linosa in 2020 was included in the exhibition at the National Museum of Lithuania, 2021 in Vilnius, Lithuania. 

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